Just a little while ago my mum came home and asked me why I had a package from New York. For a moment I was thinking "Did I accidentally apply for a University in New York?", but then I remembered - it's my prize from the photo contest I entered back in June!
I love receiving packages. I used to get mail from my Swedish penpal, but eversince we started embracing this digital age, it's just been emails and msn. Now the only times I receive packages is when I buy off ebay, which isn't very frequently. Admittedly, this package would have to be one of my favourites since it's sent from Brooklyn NY! (One of the many places where I hope to live one day)
So I opened the envelope and there was this little sweet smelling parcel inside. Keiko, the girl who held the competition, had also included a little packet of candy. awww
And this is my prize - a custom made top. I'm so glad that it fits perfectly, considering I had given her some rather dodgey measurements, though I slightly regret picking such serious colours. Now I want to buy more of her clothes in brighter colours, but unfortunately my bank account seems to be quite comfortable sitting at a grand sum of $6.50.
For those of you who aren't as desparately broke as me, please go visit her clothing site Postlapsaria and support the little people. It might be a little more expensive than chainstores, but consider that each item is uniquely handmade by a very cute Brooklyn girl with a cool name.
4 commentaires:
You, my dear friend, need to learn how to link things properly.
Personally I have $666 in the bank, and am leaving it undisturbed because it's such a perfect number.
"Congratulations to Sunni, the winner of our photo contest! Sunni wins a custom Postlapsaria shirt! "
I find receiving letters and mail delicious. Hence why for a little while before I was sending and receiving letters from Lobster, and from a girl who lives in Bendigo.
Neither of then loves me any more, evidently.
fixed it. i've learnt that typing in only www. stuffs it up, you have to have the http://
anyway, i only like mail that's from someone i dont know or from a far away place. i dont really the see fun in it otherwise...
I like whatever background it is that you've got there. Bedsheets? I'm jealous of your bedsheets. Damnit, i want colourful bedsheets.
p.s. that voting competition was riggggggggged.
They look like doona covers.
This raises the question, what colour are Eric's bedsheets? Is his entire house grey and white?
(By the way, it is a nice watermelon colour, but I don't think I could stand it for long)
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