mercredi 29 octobre 2008


This was my favourite show back when I was in kinder (no, they didn't have Sesame Street in China). I remember watching it with my great grandmother, and me not really understanding what was happening because I was too young, and she just couldn't hear what they were saying because she was too old. It was good bonding time none-the-less. I'd forgotten how amazing the theme song was, but I found it just then on youtube, and thought a song with an opening as good as this is definitely worth sharing. The series was based on the Chinese novel Journey to the West by the way.

Did anyone else used to watch this show??? I'm doubtful, but it's worth a try...

6 commentaires:

Matt Lew a dit…

Well...I can see the vid or whatever but yes I used to watch it (if we're thinking of the same thing)

You should read the comic of Journey to the west. It's so awesome! Like...satirical and everything! hehe

Revilo a dit…

The opening reminds me of Monkey, a show I used to watch when I was small and fat.

sunni a dit…

matt: there's been a few versions of the same story made into tv, but if this was indeed the version you watched, YOU ARE COOL. and i want to read that comic now! one day..

ollie: yea, monkey would've been an adaptation of the same novel i assume. and i don't think you were ever small and fat =P maybe just small...

Yarshk a dit…


I watched the TVBJ version, made in...1997?

Is this awesome?

sunni a dit…

eric: awesome. everything's just fucking awesome.

cavaan a dit…

I LOVED THIS. i have seen evey episode at least 7 times (yes that's pretty much how many holidays i lived through in china when i was a kid. IT WAS GOLD!!!

they'd replay it every summer/winter holidays on 5 different chanels... which means i would have seen every episode at least... atleast... ALOT.

haha now when i watch it (upon returning to china, and no tv chanels are showing really bad korean or tawainese dramas), i watch this and have realised the special effects are soo bad!!!! but i bought it so much as a kid.

ahhhhh good times.