lundi 19 octobre 2009

somehow poetic

My friend showed me this site just before. It didn't take long for another friend to get perverse about it, but somehow, the end translation is quite beautiful..?

I like to fantasize about doing inappropriate things to beautiful girls that walk past me in the street.
into Japanese
back into English
I walk, the girl is as beautiful as I fantasize about doing their inappropriate behavior in the past.
back into Japanese
back into English
I do fantasize a beautiful as improper behavior in his past, girls, please walk away.
back into Japanese
back into English
I am the last of his girl, and please do not walk as a beautiful fantasy act inappropriately.
back into Japanese
back into English
I was his girl, please walk to the beautiful fantasy act improperly as a last resort.
back into Japanese
back into English
I as a last resort please his girl, was walking in the beautiful fantasy act improperly.
back into Japanese
back into English
I as a last resort, please wrong girl was walking to his beautiful fantasy act.
back into Japanese
back into English
I, as a last resort, following the wrong, was walking his beautiful fantasy act.
back into Japanese
back into English
I was the last resort is wrong, the following action was walking his beautiful fantasy.
back into Japanese
back into English
If I was wrong last resort, the following actions, he was walking in a beautiful fantasy.
back into Japanese
back into English
Last resort was wrong, I would do the following, was walking to his beautiful fantasy world.
back into Japanese
back into English
Last resort, as follows: I was wrong was walking to his beautiful fantasy world.
back into Japanese
back into English
As a last resort, as follows: I was walking to his beautiful fantasy world that I was wrong.
back into Japanese
back into English
As a last resort, as follows: I have a beautiful fantasy world, he was walking to me was wrong.
back into Japanese
back into English
As a last resort, as follows: I have a beautiful fantasy world, he was walking I was wrong.
back into Japanese
back into English
As a last resort, as follows: I have a beautiful fantasy world, he was walking I was wrong.

1 commentaire:

Lightning Heart a dit…

hahaah i love doing that with babelfish
but the end translation here is really lovely!