samedi 19 avril 2008

Saturday mornings are for procrastination. I'm good at procrastinating, learn a lot of things about myself and the world around me through procrastinating.

Main thing I learnt was that I'm not a part of the exclusive group of kids who worship Patrick Wolf. I thought I was special like those kids and appreciated weirdos, but obviously not. An old issue of i-D is telling me that "To many, he means nothing; to a few, he means everything." To me that reads as "To a small group of really cool indie kids who really 'get' music, he is God. The rest of you boring conforming mainstreamers are just too brainwashed to understand." This makes me sad, but no matter how many times I listen to "The Magic Position", I don't like it. I like his red hair though, I guess. Oh, and the Burberry ads are pretty nice too.

I'm also really cut that Easter is over. I'm suddenly really in the mood for blowing eggs. Not particularly painting them, but blowing them sounds good. I guess once I actually blow one out perfectly I would want to paint it too, but my current craving is more to do with the actual egg-blowing procedure.

Speaking of cravings, I'm so happy that autumn is here because that means persimmons! Persimmons are the most fantastic fruit ever. Well the astringent ones which are only eaten when soft are. I remember we used to have this neighbour called Charlie and he had a persimmon tree. I think he was my favourite person in the world when I was younger because he used to give us baskets of persimmons every year. He probably felt obliged too because I used to look yearnfully at that magical tree after school everyday. *love*

So yea, how's your weekendend going? Probably more exciting than mine. If not, go track down a soft and ripened persimmon and eat it. Everything will start to make sense.

8 commentaires:

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there are mangosteens crying out all over the world as we speak

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i. i also meant to say nonpareil - how clever she is. but its not true nor grammatically correct; but i undestand thats not cool.
ii. none of my friends have lives to have blogged this morning.

Yarshk a dit…

omg YES! persimmons! I remember when i first discovered them back in the old 2002, i thought they were funny looking tomatoes. But damn, they are SO GOOD!

p.s. mangosteen looks weird, and probably taste like raw passionfruit.

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Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

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86282062j SUCKS

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Oh, really cute article today on positive thinking in the herald sun - comparing our lives to ipods.

Revilo a dit…

Gosh, aren't you just the popular one?

I'll blow eggs with you...never done it before, always been interested in trying...
But I promise I won't do any artistic things with the egg afterwards, god knows how badly that would turn it out.

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You have to listen to his two other records, Lycanthropy (the first) and Wind in the Wires. They are so much better than the Magic Position.