mardi 29 septembre 2009

morning ritual

9:00 - be awakened by alarm clock. Continue lucid dreaming.
9:05 - hit snooze button as cousin begins to bang on door.
9:15 - be awakened by alarm clock. Continue lucid dreaming.
9:20 - hit snooze button as cousin begins to bang on door.
9:30 - is not awakened by alarm clock.
10:00 - sit up in bed, disturbed by the amount of sunlight streaming into the room.
10:05 - lie back down. Debate about what day and time it is.
10:10 - log onto facebook to 'reconnect' with the world.
10:30 - cook ramen noodles.
10:35 - eat ramen noodles and watch something on megavideo until 72min limit is reached.

(by this point, there is only about 13min of the morning left)

mardi 22 septembre 2009

sunny tatyoon

Yesterday I got back from a music festival in the countryside. My clothes are still covered in pollen from daisy chains. 

Here are some photos I took :)

I've decided to start a photo series featuring a blurry Gabi in the foreground of a picture of various congregations of people.




We ended up waiting at the train station for 3.5 hours for a bus to arrive. It never came. We did however build a small mound out of the gravel from the carpark, topped with a purple flower, a hair pin stuck into it, and a dead dragonfly perched on top. There was also some ritual dancing around the mound as the waiting drove us into insanity. Thank goodness for taxi's. 

Everything got better when we finally arrived.

This was the first time I had tried to use the self-timer. I jumped into the shot with moments to spare - I cannot believe it worked. 

I was meant to take the photo when they were in mid-jump, but I have slow reflexes.


No. 2

Gabi and I have an ongoing joke that we are hobbits, and Anni and David are Gandalf and Saruman. 


Cooking pasta for 5 in the trangia is not an easy fete. 



Cheesy daisy chain group photo on the Macbeth-like hill.

Grumpy or pensive? 


red hair

From the day we arrived, I was itching to frolic in the canola field. 

David Attenborough-esque. 

I became so confident in my daisy chain making that I ventured into other-wild-flowers chain making. 


Pretty good weekend. What about you?

vendredi 18 septembre 2009

onset of spring

Oh how I feared you'd never come..!

Here are some pictures from about a month ago to now. I have a severe proneness towards flowers - so bear with me.

First some photos from that afternoon with Alana in Sassafras.








Caity taught me how to make paper cranes - for about the 100th time. I am incredibly thick when it comes to origami. 



I was so proud of how little I could make them...


Waiting with Maddy.


Bokeh porn..mmmm


Drinks last Friday afternoon at a girly rooftop bar. My fringe is demented and bad for my eyesight. 


This photo makes me happy :)


Walk with Alana last Saturday when it was 29 degrees!



Oh, ah. This is the last photo that I took before I lost my glasses (I need them with me to be able to focus my lens). It's freaky that at around this time last year, I was also on a walk with Alana in a similar area. On that afternoon, I found a broken pair of glasses. Sometimes I think my life is shrouded by magic. 


Before biology lecture.


Ah! This is my adorable Korean student. She is so shy but interesting.


That's it for now. Tonight I went to a ball, and danced till my feet have bits of my shoe permanently wedged into the cuticle bed. Tomorrow I leave for a music festival and will return on Monday. Excited but stressed. My diopter has not arrived yet and I need to find my sleeping bag.

jeudi 10 septembre 2009

in which you are the last man on earth

The 'Contemporary' rooms were as cliche as you can imagine - white walls, tall ceilings and a polished floor that scintillates. It's rare to be alone in such a space, especially with nothing in your hands. Usually there is at least a coat or a small bag in your arms to fidget with. When your hands are free, you become particularly conscious of the way you walk. I notice that only one of my shoes tap, the other slides with a schwoop. I echo tap-schwoop through three white cubes of space. 

There is only one other person: an elderly security guard sitting in a chair. He must be the most introspective person in the world. All day sitting in a white box, staring at dimorphic shapes in primary colours. Nothing but the resonance of an occasional tap-schwoop. 


mercredi 9 septembre 2009

what's making me happy this week

I like it when I reach an obstacle in my day to day life that seems ubiquitous enough to warrant an invention that solves it, even if I have never heard of such invention. But this is OK because I have access to the internet and I don't live in China so I can google some key words that might be associated with this unknown invention and browse through the top links. This is really a win win scenario; if the invention exists, I can then ebay it and see how much it costs, if the invention doesn't exist, I can feel prophetic when it does come to existence. 

So anyway, since I bought my Nikon FM2, I've had the dilemma of needing 20/20 vision in order to focus manually. Although I'm short-sighted, it's not serious enough for me to wear my glasses 24/7. This made it a constant nuisance to have to whip out my glasses every time I wanted to take a photo, especially during leisurely moments. For a while now, I've had an inkling that there must be some kind of device to correct this. I was right, it is called a diopter. And they are cheap too! I found this out through googling "short-sighted manual focus camera" and then searching "diopter -2 nikon" on ebay. 

I love this age of technology.


dimanche 6 septembre 2009

call me a bore but...

The best part about going out is coming home.


samedi 5 septembre 2009

mercredi 2 septembre 2009


Everywhere I go there is always the sound of construction. They are always building something new. Big houses with 6 bedrooms and only 3 people living inside. Shopping centres which become empty after 6 months. 

Why are humans so demanding?
